Monday, February 24, 2014

18 month doctor appt!

Doctor appointment went well!  Doctor said Myles is above average in his height and weight!  Although if you ask Myles he did not want to be there at all!!  The nurse tried to get his height and he cried and wiggled around on her.  The nurse stated he was very
strong for a 18 month old!!  Then the nurse tried to get Myles' weight and he would have nothing to do with it!  Myles is about 22.5 pounds!  Then Dr. Hayes came in and
wanted to listen to his heart and boy was Myles mad and just wanted to leave this
Doctor appointment.  The next thing was shots and I had to leave so I figured the office might have heard Myles gettting his shots on Friday.  Myles had such a fun day
at Grandma Kitty's.  He got to play with his cousin, had a good nap but just not in
to seeing the doctor!!

Myles and his cousins, Gavin and Zane brushing their teeth at Grandma Kitty's

Grandma Kitty got a new kitchen set for the grandkids to play with.
All the kids have been having fun playing in the kitchen!!

Myles posing for Grandma!  Playing with the letters and learning the
colors and each letter!  Myles was having fun!!

Myles wearing Grandma Kitty's shoes!  He was not having
a problem walking around in them!!
Group shot of Grandkids!  Whenever I get all them on the
same day I always have to show everyone how big
they are all getting!!!

An Angel on loan,

Has now earned his wings,

Now his voice rises high,

With God's chorus he sings.

His life was a wonder,

Beautiful and Blessed,

Your hearts are now heavy,

Burdened by this test.

Remember the laughter,

The good times not bad.

Take time to cherish,

The time that you had.

Life is always on loan,

The end lingering near,

But with God's loving hand,

There is nothing to fear.

Celebrate his life,

He is always close by,

Tell him "I love you",

To hear an Angel sigh

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